Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Biking July 22, 2008

While not really a long bike trip, we needed to get the dog some allergy meds from CVS as the ones we'd gotten him from walmart were not as good as the old ones. So yes, I made the long haul to CVS (1.3 miles) to pick up some dog allergy meds. For the curious, its the store-brand version of Tavist (but not the D version as dogs can't handle the decongestant... and they might turn the meds into illegal drugs and sell it to other dogs. or something.)

Total distance: 2.56 miles, avg speed 12.56 mph. Max sped reached: 23mph... on Ackman road as I approached the Randall road crossing and rushed to get the tail end of the green light to cross Randall.

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