Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15, 2009 - First Ride of 2009

With the temp gauge touching 60 degrees today, I decided it was about time to pump up the tires and hit the road. With my chores for the day completed and my daughter asleep taking her nap, I was free to take as long of a ride as I wanted! The problem was, after a winter of sitting on the couch, 30 minutes was about all I felt like riding!

I saw several bikes on the road but for the most part it was people out walking dogs. The irritating part is that they walk their dog, or sometimes 2 dogs, on the bike path and let one dog go to the left and the other to the right -- effectively creating a leash-line across the whole bike path that you can't get past. Dog walkers are oblivious to anyone else and a winter of owning the bike path to themselves has gotten them into some nasty habits. Lets hope they shape up before someone gets clothes-lined riding down the path!

Total Distance: 6.07 miles, Ride time: 29:48, Avg Speed: 12.22 mph

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am thinking buying a bike now. I had one but was stolen :(